Friday, July 8, 2011

What is it about hiking?

About a week ago I went hiking up Millcreek Canyon to Grandeur Peak. Starting at 8:30 in the morning, my friend and I began to start the climb up the mountain... ten minutes into the hike and we were already panting, took a break, and drank half the water bottle. Now take that scenario and times it by 1000 all the way to the peak. Arriving at the top two and a half hours later, it was pretty comical to have spry old men that were behind us, get ahead of us, make it to the top, and start heading back down before we had even reached the summit. My thighs and calves were aching. The sun burned my skin, and flies nipped my flesh all the way to the top. Rocks got in my shoe. Why did I endure that? Why did I force myself to make it to the top? Is it logical? What is it about a physically draining activity that provides such a sense of accomplishment? My mind was racing with all these questions as I trekked up the canyon, but all concerns were answered at the top when I saw this:

It's interesting how once at the top, all physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion doesn't matter once that breathtaking view is in sight. Oftentimes I've noticed situations like this hike, and other difficult physical activities are comparable to real life situations/problems because we know that if we do it, it will all be worth it in the end. For me, life was suddenly put into perspective and my vision was expanded to sights, sounds, and feelings that could only be experienced on the top of a mountain. Funny how nature can do that to ya. Now all that needs to be invented is a zip line that you can ride down from the top... :)

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