Monday, July 18, 2011

Mirroring the Media

My research topic is on how the media affects body image and self perception. With more sources than ever before, the media has countless ways to present the ideal body type and character it influences society to follow. However, this effect on society can often have negative consequences. Multiple studies have shown that the more women are exposed to thin models and celebrities in the media, the more likely they are liable to have body dissatisfaction. In conjunction, the same goes for men who are often exposed to the ideal male stereotype with a V-shaped muscle structure, narrow waist, well-developed chest, shoulders, arms, and six pack. Products and programs are sold to seem make attaining this ideal body type an easy task; however, this body portrayed by the media often takes years of exercise, dieting, and maybe even supplemental use. For fast results, men and women also may develop eating disorders, or exercise addictions causing physical consequences to quickly obtain this ideal body shape.

In the media music industry, studies have also shown that people pick up personality traits according to the music genre they listen to. For example, those who listen to violent songs, have found to be more aggressive in thoughts and behavior. The same goes for music that portrays songs about sex and immorality, inspiring thoughts that could lead the listener to promiscuous activity. Prolonged exposure to these types of music and media, may soon develop into normal acceptance of this type of behavior.

Furthermore, with the modern use of internet, users have greater control to search for what they are interested in, or could be influenced by. For example, a study on adolescent girls and social networking showed that those who spend more time on social networking sites, had a higher drive for thinness and were not satisfied with their weight. Such sites potentially put pressure on its users to to portray attractive pictures of them, and allow for appearance comparison. Usually users of these social networking sites will generally only post pictures that show them looking good, doing something cool, and even these can be photo-shopped or digitally modified. Overall, the media has a profound effect in shaping society's perception of the individual.

Are you mirroring the media?

1 comment:

  1. One day when I was 11 or 12 years old I wore ankle weights the entire day hoping at the end of the day to be able to dunk like Michael Jordan. Needless to say, I took flight like a penguin with a bowling ball in his stomach, not even coming close to the rim, and on re-entry crushing my hopes and dreams. It was then that I realized I probably would never dunk a basketball, but had joined millions of other children who tried and failed to mirror the magic of MJ. I think that you are addressing a very important topic that almost everyone can identify with, and I am interested to see the research you turn up. Good Luck!
