Monday, July 25, 2011

Ethos: Fear and Faith

Recently, I've been having difficulty deciding what to major in. My original plan was to just get some generals done my first year, and hope something would spark interest along the way. However, in the back of my mind I think I always knew what I wanted to do. I love composing music and with that, I thought of the possibility of majoring in the Media Music program (i.e. composing music for the radio, television, albums, movies). I kept pushing it aside though thinking that it probably wasn't a realistic option, I wasn't talented enough, I wouldn't be able to find a job, it was too competitive, I didn't want my passion to become a chore... etc... etc... the list of excuses went on and on. To my pleasant surprise, however, a few weeks ago in Relief Society a lesson was given on developing talents. When the teacher asked the question to the class about how we can develop our talents, I was so impressed with one of the girl's answers. She said,

Sometimes we're blessed talents, and we're presented with opportunities to develop them, but we turn away thinking we're not adequate enough. I think the biggest way to help develop talents is to stop taking counsel from our fears. Once we overcome the fear of failing, a world of capabilities will open to us that we never knew we could possess."

Talk about an answer to prayers. I went home, rearranged my schedule, and signed up for some music classes as a prerequisite to the Media Music major. It's definitely going to be a leap of faith experiencing if this is the path I'm suppose to go, but for now it feels right. As a final thought from the April 2009 General Conference, Kevin W. Pearson gave the counsel that "Faith and fear cannot coexist. One gives way to the other. The simple fact is we all need to constantly build faith and overcome sources of destructive disbelief." If you ask me, I'd rather be fearless than faithless. 

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