Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Power of Laughter

For me, one of the most persuasive aspects of a person is their ability to make me laugh. As an authority figure, my mother's ability to make me laugh increased the success of her efforts in getting me to get me to do things, inclined me to spend time with her, as well as seek her lighthearted motherly advice. Although many times her humor may have been unintentional, or maybe even perceived as eccentric, I look back with fond memories on all the times my mother brought laughter into my life. Here are a couple of the innumerable humorous stories. I hope they bring a smile to your face as much as they do to mine. :)

As a teenager and throughout her adult life, my mother dealt with health issues that caused her to eat what most may have perceived as a strange diet. My grandparents learned to accept her odd eating habits, and would not question her actions that seemed out of the ordinary. When my mom was in high school, she took advantage of her parents trust and would turn on the blender at night. Thinking she was just making a usual late night concoction, my grandparents didn't think twice about the reoccurring, random blender noises coming from the kitchen multiple times a week. If only they knew she was actually turning on the blender to cover up the sound of the garage door opening so she could sneak out with the car! :)

In 9th grade I wanted to get my schedule changed to a biology class that was difficult to get into. While I was in school, my mom went into the counselor's office to talk about the schedule change. That week she had been experiencing a cold that made her eyes water, and began to profusely tear up as she spoke. The counselor immediately changed my schedule to aid a woman who seemed to be on the verge of hysterics. My mom felt quite embarrassed after the episode, but we both learned the secret to a desired schedule change. :)

You know those ladies who sing the hymns as loud as they can in church and you can pick out their voices in the congregation? Ya, my mom was one of those choice individuals. My siblings and I would take turns sacrificing our eardrums each Sunday when we sat next to her. :)

When I asked my mom why she just named me 'Eliza' instead of 'Elizabeth' she said, "Elizabettthhhhh Smittthhhhh... now that would have been too 'thuthy.'" :)

(Background: I only have one married sibling, and three other older siblings that are at an eligible age, and are all highly encouraged to also be married). When we were driving to a family Christmas party, my mom had been feeling sick earlier that day and squirmed in the passenger seat experiencing pain in her stomach. Nevertheless, turning the discomfort into jest she said, "Ah! This is how my stomach felt when I was pregnant! Maybe I have to bring all the grandchildren into this world too, because none of my children are getting married!" :)

My mom was such a great example in teaching me how the power of laughter is such a positive tool. The chuckles of influence provide understanding, growth, joy, and leave sunshine of happy memories in the melancholy bouts of life. Whether by laughing, or making someone else laugh, a difference has been made.

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