Wednesday, June 29, 2011

When Elder Scott came to town...

One Sunday night in March about a year ago, my father announced that Elder Richard G. Scott was coming over to speak to our family later that week. My father's good friend is Elder Scott's stake president, and he was inspired to invite Elder Scott to come give our family some counsel. (As a side note, my mother had passed away from colon cancer 3 months prior and my father especially was in need of some comforting wisdom.) So, with the expectation of such a great visitor, my sisters and I all felt like Mary and Martha as we profusely cleaned the house and made preparations for our prestigious guest.

I remember that day feeling very nervous to meet Elder Scott. I had met a few general authorities before, but nothing longer than to exchange a few words and a handshake. This was going to be in a much more personal setting, for a much longer period of time.
Then he came. On March 18, 2010 there was Elder Scott on my doorstep. It was the weirdest and most comforting feeling to have all anxiety be swept away. The gravity of who he was and his presence didn't leave, but his eyes were filled with such light and love that I knew he was an apostle of the Lord. It was one of the select moments in my life where I especially felt close to the Savior, and knew He was right there in the room.

So what is it like to meet an apostle? Well, from my experience they are extremely invested in who you are. For the first part of the evening he went around the room asking me and my family members how we were, and what we were up to in life. As some of my siblings shared where they went on their missions, he gave interesting insight to our family on what it's like for the general authorities to send missionaries where they feel inspired they should go, and his experience with and advice for missionaries. He also gave many clever jokes and sincere compliments (i.e. he showed up 10 minutes early before we were expecting him and he smiled, gave a deep chuckle and apologized by saying, "I guess I was on President Hinckley's time zone!" I guess President Hinckley was always very early for events? We all laughed.).

I'll never forget the counsel he gave to my family. Not only as an apostle, but also someone who has dealt with the loss of loved ones (he lost his wife to cancer as well, and his son had passed away), I felt very comforted knowing he knew exactly what my family was going through. A few of the words of guidance he gave was:

- Don't ask why, but what you can learn now.
- Write down/capture all the memories you have of your loved one(s)/ Record the memories and promptings for children and grandchildren.
- Be receptive of the Spirit, and you will be receptive to your mother's instruction as well/ You may nor always feel her presence, but a prompting.
- Pain will subside and the sunshine of memory will remain.
- My mom will be able to more directly instruct us and she is even more aware of us now than when she was living.

Elder Scott then proceeded to give my father the most wonderful priesthood blessing. He was blessed to have an additional blessing of discernment to advise the family and help in key decisions. He was also promised that he and my mom would continue to grow and love, and be closer because of this experience.

He departed leaving our family with even more love than he came with. Truly it was a blessing and a miracle to have an a apostle of the Lord come and visit. Especially one who knew the heartache that my family and I were going through. We all teared up as he gave the conference talk in April about the memories of his own sweet wife and son, and how he has grown from that experience, as well as all that there is to look forward to in the life to come. 

Absence really does make the heart grow fonder, and I'm so grateful for that. I can't think of anything greater than knowing that families are forever. 

Thank you, Elder Scott. I'll be following your example.

1 comment:

  1. Eliza,

    Thanks for being willing to share this story. I admire your strength, attitude, and testimony in overcoming this trial in your life. I wish that I had the courage you have. That is so cool that you got to meet Elder Scott, I always enjoy his talks and the insight he has to share. Thanks again for posting this great story!
