Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"I pray, and then I get answers, and then I do it."

As with all the Mormon Message videos, they are filled with pathos and rich with examples and stories of those who have gained eternal perspective. Many of you reading may be already familiar with Stephenie Nielson and her story, but it continually amazes me. I love this video because it visually persuades and inspires empathy within the viewer as they see an incredible woman that despite outward and inward physical trials, she recognizes that she "is not her body." Searching for answers in her new life after the plane crash, I love her simple answer of "I pray, and then I get answers, and then I do it." Always easier said than done at times, Stephenie's life shows the blessings of prayer and its answers put into action.

Discovering the divine role of motherhood, the clips of her and her husband playing and teaching their children also tug at my heartstrings. In all the Mormon Message videos, including this one, the church is so wonderful at portraying those moments which truly matter in life. The moments of true joy. The happiness portrayed is not only amazing to watch, but as the viewer I found it was also desirable to consistently have in my own life. 

I also love the shot in this clip where it also shows her sparkling green eyes. You can see the light of Christ in them, and how her life exemplifies that light. With a lot of ethos from her experience, she has shared that light by keeping a blog. As she said it was therapeutic and good for her to write, in turn her stories of daily life are sources for others to draw strength from. Stephenie Nielson is an individual to me who has literally almost lost her life, and found it more fully again through Jesus Christ.

I'll be following her example.

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