Saturday, August 6, 2011


I have a friend that would constantly be bombarded with compliments such as, "Hey! You look so cute today!" or "Oh my... you are so smart!" and "You are way too talented for your own good," as well as, "You are one of the funniest people I have ever met!" Being the humble lass that she was, she'd smile and sincerely reply, "Oh, I'm just following your example." Such a response has always stuck with me. It really got me thinking that we are products of what and who we surround ourselves with. We learn from others, and follow those inspiring examples who have set the path before us, because their life is also a product for how they've been trying to live.

Hence the name of this blog, I tried to focus my design around this theme, as well as write most of my posts on either specific people as examples, examples of character traits, examples of lessons learned in life, or examples of what was learned in my Writing and Rhetoric class. Knowing that my class was going to be reading this blog, I had them in mind as my audience, as well as a few family members that I knew checked up on the blog every once in awhile. Also, this blog was a good reflection for me to think of the many great examples in my life that I've been surrounded by, as well as productively apply real-life examples to what I was learning in class.

Generally speaking, however, when posting or uploading anything to the world wide web, you can never be quite sure who will stumble upon what you've shared. Years from now, this blog could show up on a Google search result, and someone could start reading and be affected by what I have written. By keeping this broader audience in mind, it really made me carefully choose my words and to express myself in a way that would not be exclusive, but inviting. Whether by the persuasiveness of my words, or the effect of the examples I have written about, I hope this blog has broadened the sense of awareness of all the examples present around us.


Finally, in a world full of confusion and competing examples to follow, another purpose I had with this blog was to incorporate the Gospel and example of Jesus Christ—the ultimate example to follow. With all that is virtuous, lovely, of good report, or praiseworthy, I hope that we can follow those who carry these Christ-like attributes, as well as apply them to ourselves. Ultimately, after all is said and done in this life I hope when Christ greets us and says, "Well done thou good and faithful servant" we can look Him in the eye and say, "I was just following your example." :)

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